Through the white door
Through the white door

through the white door

Point-and-clicks have run the risk of being obtuse in their puzzle logic since Ron Gilbert still got IDed buying beers, so when you introduce the conceit that you're a confused and amnesiac man being held in a room by people whose motives are unclear, well, the puzzles are going to get pretty messy, aren't they? Logical they most certainly are not, and a few are just a bit too abstract to feel satisfying when you suss them out. You don't question why doing X produces outcome Y but instead just lose yourself to the flow of the journey. And in much the same way as the magical realism of Kentucky Route Zero led to tuning radios for no discernible reason, sometimes playing with the image you're presented with and challenging your assumptions about it hold the key to moving forward. It means you don't question why doing X produces outcome Y but instead just lose yourself to the flow of the journey. As it progresses it becomes something more like a traditional puzzle game, employing pattern recognition and logic challenges to gate progression, but The White Door's woozy, reality-bending tone means you're never sure of the rules.

through the white door

You might be dragging a coffee cup up to Robert's lips as he narrates that he took another sip of coffee in a dream sequence, or answering multiple choice questions during your daily psychological examination.

Through the white door