Halloween corn maze party
Halloween corn maze party

Now if you don’t have the knowledge and equipment to plant corn hire a farmer that does. Keep your drink machines close by the exit of the maze as fully stocked at all times, trust me.

halloween corn maze party

We employ one “Corn Cop” per punch station in the maze to patrol the corn to help our customers with directions as requested. Also having staff near by is a safety precaution for people that are couch potatoes and not used to walking for miles. The size we have found to work best is a 10 acre maze that takes about 2 hours to solve. It is important that the game is challenging, but not to the point of being stressed out. Our motto is “Lost, Laughing and Lovin It”, not “Hot, Tired and Hating It”. The reason for not going to big for us was the time it takes to solve the maze.

halloween corn maze party

Now that you got the game plan for a maze, you have got to have land to plant the corn. We have found that at least a 5 acre area for a small maze is a bare minimum. We have tried the concept of two 5 acre mazes, but this method ended up being more of a management issue than it was worth. I have researched just about every corn maze in the country and found that bigger is not actually better in the cases of corn mazes. Bridges in the maze are another great attraction for the customers to find, even though we don’t require a punch on the game card for the bridges, they are a sought out location for the amazing views they can provide into the maze. Keep in mind as you start to develop your sponsorship proposal you can use these punch stations as a great way to sell sponsorships. Now you don’t just have a number for each punch station, but a name like the “Sprint Wireless Punch Station”. Each paper punch cuts out a unique shape as not allowing you to cheat. These punch stations have evolved from a simple map on a piece of plywood to a park quality Plexiglas enclosures. We have found these enclosures to be the only way to prevent the maps from being stolen by cheaters.

halloween corn maze party

What I had no clue about was the knowledge of planting corn or the means to cut a design into it. As I researched the concept of corn mazes I discovered there is more than just finding your way through a maze. We decided to make our maze a game to find check points throughout the corn field. The amount of check points is important as to not make the game to easy. In our 10 acre corn maze we only use 6 check points that each has a map of your location. Attached to each check point is a paper punch that is used to punch a game card to track your progress. The game card is a great location to promote your haunted attraction with a coupon and for sponsorship deals.

halloween corn maze party

I had seen articles on corn mazes in the national news making huge designs cut out in the corn fields. I found this to be very interesting and something that might fit well with our haunted attraction. Having many years of experience running a haunted attraction we already had figured out the many things you also need for running a corn maze. We have great relationships with local media in TV, Radio, and sponsors.

Halloween corn maze party